Attentive Teaching Podcast

Co-founder and longtime high school social studies teacher Cindy Schwartz talks to us every week about the most important topics, tips, and concerns around teaching a mindful, trauma-informed classroom. 

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Narrated by: Rebecca Bellan

This episode dives into the role of questioning in the physical and remote classroom and poses our own essential question - "Is handraising obsolete?" We hope not.

When was the last time you made time to sit with yourself and just be? Attentive Teaching’s Head of Yoga & Mindfulness Carmella Stone-Klein explains how to create a sacred space in your home where you can practice self-reflection and cultivate calm.

Narrated by: Rebecca Bellan

Studies show that our awareness of the ‘disaffected’ or ‘disconnected’ student may hold the answer. Students who are ‘disaffected’ are usually overly quiet and passive or disruptive and overtly rebellious. They have ‘checked out’, are not engaged and have poor grades. Being ‘disaffected’ has nothing to do with intelligence. It has to do with not being engaged. So, how do we as teachers engage the ‘disaffected’, ‘disconnected’ student? How do we help those students become connected to our classrooms, our classwork and us as teachers? How do we get ‘disaffected’ students to get excited about learning again?


This episode offers a number of doable tips on how to engage the ‘disaffected’ and ‘disconnected’ student. It starts with engaging and connecting!

Has 2020 made it even harder to maintain a healthy work-life balance? Teacher-Mentor Elzy Muñoz highlights five easy ways to set personal boundaries for yourself during these difficult times.

Narrated by: Rebecca Bellan

In this episode, we challenge teachers to think about taking the risk to teach more vulnerably-to teach in a more humane way by sharing with their students who they are as people without worrying if this new found vulnerability will cause them to lose control over their classrooms. Being human, forgiving and compassionate and sharing a bit of yourself in terms of your likes and dislikes, in an appropriate manner, might be just the way to reduce behavioral issues and student apathy. Give your students a bit of a window into who you are and they will flock to your class.


When teachers are more vulnerable and more human, students feel a greater sense of connectedness and trust. Experts agree those components of connectedness and trust must be present for students to truly learn. So…let’s show just how human we all are. Perhaps this is the best time to do so.

Can history teach our students to empathize? Secondary educator Cindy Schwartz highlights specific activities that you can utilize to teach empathy in your classroom.

Attentive Teaching’s Lauren Navarra narrates a guided meditation for teachers focusing on safety, health, and peace.

Ultimately, if we practice gratefulness, we will be physically, emotionally and mentally healthier. Well-known psychologist and researcher Dr. Robert Emmons says, “Grateful people…feel more hope, optimism, and a desire to get along with others.” Need we say more? Happy “Different” Thanksgiving. We wish you health, happiness and peace. We are grateful for you!

So, we wonder, how do teachers find time for self-care? How do teachers nourish their need to rest, re-charge and re-set for the next day at school if there isn’t any time both at school or at home to do that? And ultimately, will teachers be able to be their best in the classroom if they are unable to find time for self-care?


In today’s episode, we ask teachers to consider being selfish. We are offering a number of simple practices that could help teachers find ways to increase their self-care. Let us help you find some You Time so that you can feel nourished, rested and in love with teaching again. At Attentive Teaching we firmly believe that when teachers are nourished, rested and calm, their students will be too. It’s a win-win.

19th century naturalist and writer, Henry David Thoreau once said that “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Perhaps, our job as teachers is to unwrap what the kinds of desperation that our students are experiencing and tailor our approach to their oppositional behavior with compassion, positive reinforcement and strategies to help them self-soothe.


Today’s episode asks teachers to consider “bending with the wind” when approaching oppositional students in their classroom. Understanding and managing oppositional behavior within our classrooms with self-regulating activities that could include deep breathing exercises, meditation chimes, project-based assessments, coloring exercises and other forms of positive reinforcement might just help us enable the most oppositional of students to ‘bend with the wind” rather than break during the storm.

Today’s episode offers practical, doable tips on how to calmly, mindfully and creatively quiet down students so that classes start on time, are productive and engaging. Ever try using a meditation bell to start your class? “Chime In” with us to see how it works!

In today’s episode we recognize the importance of October as National Bullying Prevention Month by offering strategies that help educators identify bullying behavior, address it and provide calmer and more peaceful classrooms where students can better control their behavior through self-regulating activities.

Attentive Teaching is an education nonprofit that aims to help teachers create peaceful and safe classrooms by recognizing and addressing trauma and stress-related issues through mindfulness and self-regulating techniques. The Attentive Teaching podcast is here to help listeners improve themselves, and their classroom.